Outlet Repair Services in Sylacauga, AL

Some homeowners assume that because electrical outlets are small, they must be easy to work on. In fact, troubleshooting outlets that aren’t working as intended is not a DIY job. Faulty outlets are always annoying, but in some cases, they can also indicate larger underlying problems. If the issue isn’t anything simple like a tripped circuit breaker, the best solution is always to call Climate Crafters for help.


Electrical problems of all sorts have a habit of sneaking up on people, especially when a home’s residents assume that they can safely ignore them until the inconvenience becomes great enough that it’s worth calling in a pro. That’s never a good strategy because some types of outlet damage can elevate a home’s fire risk. Instead of ignoring the problem as it continues getting worse, homeowners should call for outlet repair services whenever they notice the following issues:

Dead Outlets

The most obvious reason to call for help with electrical outlets is that they have stopped working entirely. Some people assume that it’s OK to just leave fixing a dead outlet on the to-do list until there’s a more compelling reason to call an electrician, but it’s better to schedule an inspection right away. The wires leading to the outlet could be damaged, which could lead to further problems.

Burn Marks and Melting

When electrical outlets start developing burn marks or the plastic looks like it’s melting, that’s an obvious sign that the outlet needs to be repaired immediately, as it could pose a fire risk. The burn marks are usually caused by sparking outlets, which are caused, in turn, by short circuits. Our electricians at Climage Crafters can quickly resolve the underlying problem and eliminate the fire risk.

Damaged Faceplates

Damaged faceplates allow dust and debris to sneak into the space behind the outlet, where they can collect on electrical wires and cause them to heat up. Eventually, electrical arcing could ignite that dust and debris, causing a fire. Replacing cracked and chipped faceplates is a safe and affordable solution for avoiding further damage.

Plugs That Fall Out

If the plugs won’t stay in an outlet, that means it has already experienced some significant wear and tear. Insecure electrical plugs that are constantly falling out of outlets aren’t just an annoyance. They can also elevate fire risk by causing sparks and electrical arcs.

Inconsistent Power

Devices and appliances plugged into outlets should not be turning on and off at random. However, older outlets are sometimes unable to supply sufficient power to meet modern needs. The outlet isn’t technically broken, just outdated, but it still needs to be replaced.

Two-Pronged Outlets

Older, two-pronged outlets aren’t compatible with modern devices that feature three-pronged plugs. That third prong is a ground pin hole, and it’s essential to ensuring the safe operation of electrical appliances and devices. Without it, people could experience electrical shocks when wires come loose.

Outlets Hot to the Touch

If an outlet is hot to the touch, there’s something wrong with the wiring behind it. Either it has become damaged over time or was incorrectly installed, to begin with. Call an electrician to schedule outlet repairs now to avoid dealing with more substantial damage from an electrical fire later.

Burning Smells

Burning smells may be caused by outlets that are sparking when nobody notices or the wiring behind the outlet could be getting dangerously hot. Either way, there’s no need to wait until residents start seeing smoke to consider this an electrical emergency. Stop using the outlet until it can be repaired.


In most cases, outlets that are damaged can simply be replaced after an electrician has resolved any electrical problems with the wiring behind them. Depending on the circumstances, it might also be worth switching to a different type of outlet. The types of outlets include:

  • GFCI and AFCI outlets
  • Surge suppression receptacles
  • Tamper-resistant outlets
  • USB outlets
  • Smart outlets
  • And others

The types of repairs performed on an outlet can vary depending on its function. GFCI outlets, for example, have their own internal circuits that sometimes need to be flipped back on, which can be accomplished by pressing the button between the two receptacles. Smart outlets may need to be reset. Homeowners can try these simple fixes before calling an electrician.


Know an outlet needs to be repaired or replaced but not sure where to turn for help? Turn to Climate Crafters so that we can send a trained and licensed electrician out to resolve your outlet issues. Call (205) 281-7235 to schedule an appointment today.